


Bluehost is the best host if you’re looking to start a blog for cheap. With this plan, you can get a free domain, 1-click WordPress installation, email, and a free SSL certificate! Get started for as low as $3.95/month! Check out our free step-by-step guide on how to start a blog for help!

StudioPress: This is one of THE best providers of gorgeous WordPress themes for blogs. BlogFlips runs on StudioPress and the Genesis Framework. Genesis has built-in SEO and several amazing plugins to help you transform your blog into an attractive website. For some of our other favorite WordPress themes, read this article.

Blog Monetization

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing: Learn the basics of affiliate marketing from the queen herself! Michelle Schroeder makes over $100,000 with her blog – if that doesn’t inspire you to learn from her, I don’t know what will! We learned all of the essentials from this kick-ass course.

Blog Traffic

We only recommend courses and ebooks that we have personally taken and love! We have spent thousands on educational material and will never suggest a course that we don’t feel offers real value.

Stupid Simple SEO: If you’re ready to take your blog traffic to new heights, this course is the most comprehensive overview of search engine optimization and keyword research. We HIGHLY recommend Mike’s course – it is one of the best investments we have made in our blogging career. It includes tons of step-by-step video tutorials in an easy-to-understand way.

Pinteresting Strategies: Carly knows Pinterest like the back of her hand, and the methods she teaches go beyond the basics, offering a unique approach to manual pinning, growing your reach and ultimately gaining more traffic from this powerful search engine. This ebook is truly helpful for both beginners and seasoned pinners.

Hey! Welcome to Blog Flips!

We are here to help bloggers like YOU transform your passion into a money-making machine! Learn the ins and outs of blogging, how to maximize your online presence, and ultimately make moolah passively for years to come!
